Smart ID systems
Identify, locate and authenticate…simple, smart and secure.
For ticket, vending and parking machines, access control, point-of-sale, multimedia information, kiosk applications, data collection, identification and security systems, etc.
Product description
- Support of different ID technologies such as Mifare, Mifare Desfire, Legic, NFC, RFID, QR code
- Contactless recognition
- High security standards
- Convenient centralised or decentralised management of transponders and readers
- Realisation of your wishes for the design of transponders and readers
- Extensive experience in the development of ID-based front- and back-end systems
MCS Services
- Conception and consulting
- Development of hardware and software incl. encryption technologies
- Integration of hardware and software
- Individualisation of transponders and readers
- Sampling, testing and checking of processes and functions
- Technical support and after-sales service